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The word (not good) on Author Solutions has been out there for some time, accessible to all self-publishers/indie authors.

If you want to know why,  then read this right now.

I am not kidding. Save yourself money and grief.

The indie community online is helpful in spades and the internet is piled high with admonitions and tips. Listen to the smart folks out there who want you to flourish and not sink thousands on a lousy deal that will not sell your books or get you a Hollywood deal or whatever else they are hyping. Listen and heed.

My thanks to the great folks always spreading awareness and flashing red warning lights to those of us who are less savvy or just new to this world-such as Orna Ross, David Gaughran, Joe Konrath, The Passive Guy, Victoria Strauss (whose blog all authors–traditional, indie, or hybrid–should read), et al.

Pay it forward, people. Warn everyone you think  or know is being tempted to take the AH route.

And if you get an email from Author Solutions that’s like Mr. Reese’s–see The Passive Voice link, first one above–one riddled with grammatical errors and/or typos, you should consider it sufficient warning. If this company’s employees aren’t meticulous about crafting and proofreading copy for their own use, would you trust them with your prose?

And does anyone really want to get telemarketed to death? Ring, ring, ring. (No, my soul, no!)

If any indie/hybrid/etc author wants to post a comment below to recommend a service that offers quality, reliability, and reasonable pricing for book covers, editing (all kinds) social media marketing, book-to-script conversions, branding, promotion, logos, etc, that might help others get their books done properly, please do so.

No spamming. I will delete anything that looks like spam.

Post about freelancers/companies/services your friends or you have used satisfactorily (or giddily happily).

Here are a few I or friends of mine have used and recommend:

Editing/Formatting: Jill Domschot

Editing: Grace Bridges

Editing: Kristin Stieffel

Book Covers: Goonwrite.com

Book Covers: Designs by Rachelle

Book Covers: Book Cover Bakery (custom art/illustrated covers)

Formatting/Editing: Polgarus Studios

If you have more money to spend, these are pricier for-hire creatives who do beautiful work for indies (and publishing houses):

Book Covers: Kirk DouPonce

Book Covers: Ravven

So, please, refer us your great freelancers! Help indies out!